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Detect API hashing with YARA

Detect API hashing with YARA

Malware utilizes obfuscation to complicate its analysis. There is one obfuscation technique that targets specifically static analysis: API hashing. In a nutshell, malware uses hashes of API names (e.g. 0x0688eae1) instead of plain strings (e.g. kernel32!Sleep) to obfuscate the API functionality it relies on. This is typically a pretty nasty obfuscation technique since it requires malware analysts to resolve this API hashing before they can conduct a meaningful analysis. There are many advanced malware families that utilize API hashing including Buer, PoisonIvy, PlugX and UrlZone.

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Learn how to fix PE magic numbers with Malduck

Learn how to fix PE magic numbers with Malduck

Malware often corrupts the Portable Executable (PE) header to hinder its analysis. By overwriting parts of the PE header, malware evades simple memory dumpers and thwarts proper loading by analysis tools. If we’re lucky then malware only overwrites the magic numbers of the PE header (MZ and PE) and leaves the rest of the header intact. We can fix such corrupted PE headers with ease. All we need is a little bit of knowledge about the PE format and the right tool to manipulate memory dumps.

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The malware analyst’s guide to PE timestamps

The malware analyst’s guide to PE timestamps

This blog post is all about time. More exactly, timestamps found in Portable Executable (PE) files that describe a (possible) compilation date. These PE timestamps may even reveal details about a threat actor. For instance, it is possible to deduce a threat actor’s working hours and use this information – hopefully together with other artifacts – for attribution purposes. But be aware: even though PE timestamps can be a valuable forensic artifact, they can be forged with ease. While the COFF header field TimeDateStamp is the most-known place to look for a compilation timestamp, there are more places where we can find timestamps in a PE file.

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